Dear Parents,
This year continues to pose challenges in the form of new variants of COVID and our students, parents and staff getting affected by the same. This letter aims to explain how Cambridge International has planned to administer the May/June 2022 exam series. It also addresses the steps taken by Beaconhouse to ensure students and parents are well informed and prepared for the May/June 2022 exam series.
Cambridge International has assured us that they will be conducting the full exam series for O Level, IGCSE, and A Level in May/June 2022, as exams remain the fairest way of assessing student achievement. The option of Exemptions is being offered in select subjects for coursework, speaking tests, and science practicals, however, they have strongly recommended that all schools give their students the opportunity to sit the exams on the full syllabus, wherever it is possible.
Beaconhouse is committed to completing the syllabus for the CAIE exams. We value our commitment to the students and their parents and we will ensure that students’ achievements and success are not compromised. The option for exemptions will be offered to students/parents, however, students will be required to study the entire syllabus even if they request an exemption from any paper.
In case the national or local authorities decide that face to face exams cannot take place in May/June 2022 or November 2022, Cambridge has also shared their alternate approach to assessments. In this scenario, they have introduced a portfolio of evidence approach. This portfolio will contain a compilation of all the assessments, assignments and exam papers that the student has attempted throughout the year which will also include the Mid-Year, Mocks and End of Year exam papers.
For schools to ensure the best representation of student work is included in the portfolio, student attendance is of utmost importance, especially during Mock exams in March 2022. This allows students to have a proper preparation time and build an understanding of the exam process and due support is provided by the teachers.
It is extremely important that our students and parents fully understand that there are potential risks associated with opting for exemptions. These risks are explained in the Cambridge Exemptions: Undertaking Form available with the application form. We would request you to discuss them with your child in detail before making a decision regarding exemptions.
If a parent would want their child to get an exemption in any particular component, they can do so by filling out the Cambridge Exemptions: Application Form. The link to this form will be sent via SMS/email on Monday 28 February 2022, and will be accessible through the students’ Beaconite email IDs. The signed and scanned copy of the undertaking form will have to be submitted along with the application form.
The last date to submit the application form is Thursday, March 24, 2022.
If you have any further questions, please contact the school office.
We hope that the decision you take proves to be in the best interest of your child. We wish you the very best!
School Administration
Dear Exams Team
I need to know if the Exemption policy can be applied to appear in some subjects in May/June and if the student can appear in the remaining subjects in November2022 to complete the syllabus .In this way the student will be able to appear in all subjects despite of facing problems with covid situation?
Please let me know as soon as possible as the deadline is 24th March.
Many thanks .
Founder of Beaconhouse School System Since 1975.